Be Reconciled To God – Passionate Appeal By Joseph Alleine
At the conclusion of his book, “An Alarm to the Unconverted,” Joseph Alleine made a passionate appeal to the readers to be reconciled to God:
What are your plans for the future?
Now, dear, tell me what’s on your mind. What are your plans for the future? Will you continue to die, or will you turn around and claim eternal life? How long do you intend to stay in Sodom? How long will you be unable to decide between two points of view? Have you made up your mind whether Christ or Barabbas, happiness or pain, this worthless and wretched world—or God’s paradise—is the better option? Is it debatable whether the dirty waters of this world are preferable to all the streams of Eden, or whether the disgusting pool of sin is preferable to the clear as crystal fountain of life that flows from the throne of God and the Lamb? Is there anything the world can accomplish for you that Christ can’t? Will it be there for you for the rest of your life? Will you be able to take your joys, lands, titles, and possessions with you after you die? Had you not needed to look after something that would if you didn’t? What exactly do you mean by “stand trembling”? Shall I finally abandon you, like Agrippa, only half-convinced? If you’re left here, you’ll be lost forever; you’d be better off not being here at all—as if you weren’t a Christian at all. How much longer will you be content with idle dreams and futile goals? When will you make a firm, unwavering decision? Do you see how Satan deceives you by luring you to wait? How long has he dragged you down the path to hell?
Don’t delay
So, don’t upset me with a delaying response; tell me later. I need your permission right away. If you are not resolved now, when the Lord is speaking to you and inviting you, you will be far less likely to be later, when these impressions have worn off and you have become hardened by sin’s deception.
Will you throw open the door and hand over the keys to the Lord Jesus?
Will you extend your hand to me? Will you throw open the door and hand over the keys to the Lord Jesus? Will you be a part of His covenant? What decision have you made? If you continue to postpone, my efforts will be wasted, and all will likely come to naught. Come, throw your hat in the ring, and make your decision. ‘Now is the approved time; now is the day of salvation; today, if you will hear His voice,’ says the apostle Paul. [Hebrews 3:7] Why shouldn’t this be the day you start counting down to your joy? Why should you risk another day in this perilous and horrible situation? What if God demands your soul tonight? O that you might know the things that pertain to your peace on this day, before they are hidden from your sight! This is your day—and it will be over soon. Others have had their day—and have been sentenced to death! And now you’ve been thrust into the world’s stage, where you’ll play your part for the rest of your life. Remember, if you don’t make a sensible decision now, you’ll be undone for the rest of your life. Whatever your current decision is, that must be your eternal state.
Do you get to choose between life and death?
Is this, in fact, the case? Do you get to choose between life and death? What, then, is preventing you from being happy? Nothing can or will obstruct you more than your own willful indifference or refusal. ‘See, here is water, what prevents me from being baptized?’ said the eunuch to Philip. [Acts 8:36] [Acts 8:37] [Acts 8:38] ‘See, here is Christ, here is forgiveness, pardon, and life; what is keeping you from being forgiven and saved?’ While praying at the stake, one of the martyrs had his pardon placed in a box, which he rightfully denied because it was on unworthy terms; nonetheless, the terms here are most noble and simple. Will you perish with your forgiveness by your side, sinner? Give your assent to Christ from now on, to renounce your sins, to deny yourself, to take up the yoke and the cross—and you will triumph. You have Christ; forgiveness, peace, life, and blessings are all yours. Isn’t this an offer you should take advantage of? Why should you be hesitant or skeptical about the case? Isn’t it settled that God is greater than sin—and glory is better than vanity? Why should you abandon your own mercy—and commit a crime against yourself? When are you going to get out of your rut and stop making excuses? Don’t boast about tomorrow; you have no idea where you’ll be staying tonight!
Have you not had your heart warmed by the Word
The Holy Spirit is now battling beside you. He will not always make an effort. Have you not had your heart warmed by the Word and been almost persuaded to put your sins aside and follow Christ? Have you not sensed certain mental motions in which you were warned of your danger and told what would happen if you continued on your careless path? It’s possible you’re like young Samuel, who didn’t recognize the Lord’s voice when he was called again and again—but these motions are the Spirit’s offerings, callings, and strivings. O take advantage of the tide, and know the day of your visitation.
The Lord Jesus calls in such a beautiful, melting, caring way
The Lord Jesus now extends His arms wide to greet you. By way of us, he begs you. He calls in such a beautiful, melting, caring way. ‘It is the voice of my beloved!’ the church erupts in joy at the sound of His voice. [Song 2:8] [Song 2:8] [Song 2:8] O will you turn a deaf ear to His voice? Isn’t that the voice that shatters the cedars and makes the mountains skip like a calf, that shakes the wilderness and divides the fire flames? It is not Sinai’s thunder—but a soft and still voice. It is not the voice of Mount Ebal, a voice of cursing and terror—but the voice of Mount Gerizim, the voice of blessing and glad tidings of good things. It is not the sound of war or the sound of the trumpet, but a message of peace from the King of peace. I may say to you, O sinner, as Martha to her sister, ‘The Master has come, and he is calling for you.’ [John 11:28] Now then, with Mary, arise quickly and come unto Him.
‘If anyone thirsts, let him come unto me and drink’
His invitations are really lovely! ‘If anyone thirsts, let him come unto me and drink,’ he shouts out in the open concourse (John 7:37). What a generous God He is! He doesn’t leave anyone out. ‘Whoever will, let him take the water of life freely’ (Rev 22:17). ‘Come, eat of my bread, and drink of the wine that I have mingled. Forsake the foolish and live’ (Prov 9:5-6). ‘Come unto me, take up my yoke, and learn from me, and your souls will find rest’ (Matt 11:28-29). ‘Him who comes to me, I will never cast out’ (John 6:37).
How does He bemoan the obstinate refuser! ‘O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how often would I have gathered your children under my wings, as a hen does with her chickens—and you would not!’ (Matthew 23:37.) ‘Look at me, look at me: I’ve been reaching out to a rebellious people all day’ (Isa 65:1-2). O be persuaded now at last to throw yourselves into the arms of His love.
The Lord Jesus has thrown open the prison doors via His ministers
Behold! The Lord Jesus has thrown open the prison doors—and now, via His ministers, He comes to you and begs you to come out. If Christ had called you from a palace or paradise, it would be understandable if you refused; after all, how easily was Adam deceived from it; but He has called you from your jail, from your chains, from the dungeon, from the darkness, and still would you not come? Will you not listen when he summons you to liberty? Whatever prejudice you may have against His ways, if God is to be believed, you will find them all pleasure and peace, and you will taste sweetness and joy unutterable, and take great delight and joy in them (Prov 3:17; 1 Pet 1:8; Psalm 119:103,111,165).
I would like to see a covenant between Christ and you
I am hesitant to leave you, beloved. I’m not sure how I’m going to let you go. I’m about to close, but before I do, I’d like to see a covenant between Christ and you. So, shall I finally leave you as I found you? Have you read this far without resolving to repent of your sins and unite with Jesus Christ? But, alas, what can I say? So, what am I going to do? Will you throw away all my importunity? Is it possible that my efforts have been in vain? Have I used so many reasons and spent so much time trying to persuade you—only to be disappointed at the end? But it is a minor matter that you ignore me; you offend the God who created you; you reject the compassion and beseechings of a Savior; and you will be deemed resisters of the Holy Spirit if you do not repent and be saved today.
I’ll call after careless sinners once again in the hope of awakening them
So, even though I’ve been calling you for a long time and you’ve refused, I’ll raise my voice like a trumpet and yell from the highest peaks of the city before concluding with the pitiful outcry, ‘All is over!’ ‘O earth, earth, earth, hear the word of the Lord,’ I’ll call after careless sinners once again in the hope of awakening them; ‘O earth, earth, earth, hear the word of the Lord,’ I’ll say (Jer 22:29). Unless you’ve made up your mind to die, pay attention to the last cries for compassion. Behold, in the name of God, I make an open proclamation to you, ‘Hearken unto me, O children; hear instruction and be wise, and refuse it not’ (Prov 8:32-33).
Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters
“Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost. Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of fare. Give ear and come to me; hear me, that your soul may live. I will make an everlasting covenant with you, my faithful love promised to David.” (Isa 55:1-3).
Ho, everyone who is sick of any manner of disease or torment—or is possessed with an evil spirit, whether of pride, fury, lust—or covetousness—come to the Physician! Bring your sick! Lo, here is He who heals all manner of sicknesses, and all manner of diseases, among the people (Matt 4:23-24).
Everyone who is in distress, gather yourselves unto Christ, and He will become a Captain over you
Ho, everyone who is in distress, gather yourselves unto Christ, and He will become a Captain over you. He will be your protection from the arrests of the law; He will save you from the hand of justice. Behold, He is an open sanctuary to you; He is a known refuge. Away with your sins and come in unto Him, lest the avenger of blood seize you, lest devouring wrath overtake you.
Every blind and ignorant sinner, come and buy eye salve, that you may see
Ho, every blind and ignorant sinner, come and buy eye salve, that you may see. Away with your excuses; you are forever lost if you continue in this state. But accept Christ for your Prophet, and He will be a light unto you. Cry unto Him for knowledge, study His Word, take pains about religion, humble yourself before God, and He will teach you His way, and make you wise unto salvation. But if you will not follow Him—but sit down because you have but one talent, He will condemn you for a wicked and slothful servant (Matt 25:24-26).
To the different ones, come in and live
Ho, every profane sinner, come in and live! Return unto the Lord, and He will have mercy on you; be entreated. O return, come! You who have filled your mouth with oaths and execrations; all manner of sins and blasphemies shall be forgiven you, if you will but thoroughly turn unto Christ and come in. O unclean sinner, put away your whoredoms out of your sight, and your adulteries from between your breasts, and give yourself unto Christ, as a vessel of holiness, alone for His use; and then, ‘though your sins be as scarlet—they shall be white as snow; though they be red like crimson—they shall be as wool’ (Luke 7:47; Isa 1:18; Hos 2:2).
Hear, O you drunkards, how long will you be drunk? Put away your wine. Though you have rolled in the filthiness of your sin, give yourselves unto Christ, to live soberly, righteously, and godly; embrace His righteousness; accept His government; and though you have been vile, He will wash you (Rev 1:5).
Hear, O you loose companions, whose delight is in vain and wicked society, to sport away your time in carnal mirth; come in at Wisdom’s call, and choose her and her ways, and you shall live (Prov 9:5-6).
Hear, O you scorners, hear the word of the Lord. Though you make a mock at godliness and its professors, though you have made a scorn of Christ and His ways—yet even to you does He call, to gather you under the wings of His mercy. In a word, though you should be found among the worst of that black roll—yet upon your thorough conversion you shall be washed, you shall be sanctified, you shall be justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of God (1 Cor 6:10-11).
Ho, every formal professor, you who are but lukewarm and resting in the form of godliness. Give over your halting; be a true Christian; be zealous and repent; and then, though you have been an offence to Christ—you shall be the joy of His heart (Rev 3:16-20).
I can only entreat you and warn you
And now bear witness that mercy has been offered you. ‘I call heaven and earth to record against you this day, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that you may live’ (Deut 30:19). I can only entreat you and warn you. I cannot otherwise compel you to be happy; if I could, I would. What answer will you send me with to my Master? Let me speak to you as Abraham’s servant to Nahor’s family, ‘And now if you will deal kindly and truly with my master, tell me.’ O for such a happy answer as Rebecca gave them: ‘And they called Rebecca, and said unto her, Will you go with this man? and she said, I will go’ (Gen 24:49-58). O that I had this answer from you!
Why should I, who agonize for your salvation—be your accuser? Why should the passionate pleadings of mercy be turned into horrid aggravations of your obstinacy and additions to your misery? Judge in yourselves; do you not think their condemnation will be doubly dreadful—who shall still go on in their sins, after all endeavors to recall them? Doubtless it shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon, yes, for Sodom and Gomorrah, in the day of judgment, than for you! (Matt 11:22-24).
Beloved, if you have any pity for your perishing souls, close with the present offers of mercy. If the God that made you have any authority with you, obey His command and come in. If you are not the despisers of grace, and would not shut the doors of mercy against yourselves, repent and be converted.
Let not heaven stand open for you in vain
Let not heaven stand open for you in vain. Let not the Lord Jesus open His stores and bid you buy without money and without price in vain. Let not His Spirit and His ministers strive with you in vain, and leave you now at last unpersuaded, lest the sentence go forth against you, ‘The bellows blow fiercely to burn away the lead with fire, but the refining goes on in vain; the wicked are not purged out. They are called rejected silver, because the Lord has rejected them’ (Jer 6:29-30).
‘Father of spirits, take the heart in hand that is too hard for my weakness. Do not end—though I have done. A word from Your effectual power will do the work. O You who has the key of David, who opens and no man shuts—open this heart, as You did Lydia’s, and let the King of Glory enter in, and make this soul Your captive. Let not the tempter harden him in delays. Let him not stir from this place, nor take his eyes from these lines, until he resolves to forego his sins, and accept life on Your self-denying terms. In Your Name, O Lord God, did I go forth to these labors; in Your name do I close them. Let not all the time they have cost be lost hours; let not all the thoughts of the heart, and all the pains that have been about them be lost labor. Lord, put Your hand upon the heart of this reader, and send Your Spirit, as once You did Philip to join himself to the chariot of the eunuch while he was reading the Word. And though I should never know it while I live—yet I beseech You, O Lord God, let it be found at the last day that some souls are converted by these labors; and let some be able to stand forth and say that by these persuasions they were won unto You. Amen, Amen.’ Let him who reads say, Amen.
This article is an edited version of an appeal made by Joseph Alleine in his book . You can check out our related posts at An Alarm to the Unconverted on this topic or get a copy of the book from the bookstores.