Why Love God (Christ) – 7 Reasons By Thomas Vincent
Why Love God (Christ)?
In dealing with Christians’ love for Christ, I will speak about:
- Christians Are Sanctified To Obedience
- The Object Of Christians Love Is Jesus Christ
- The Nature Of Christians Love For Christ
- Christians Love Christ Whom They Have Seen By Faith
- It Is Christians Duty To Love Christ And He Looks For It
- How Christians Ought To Love Christ
- Why Do Christians Love Christ
#1 Christians Are Sanctified To Obedience
True Christians who love Jesus Christ whom they have never seen. You are true Christians who love Christ, and the Apostle describes you in 1 Peter 1:2 as being “Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ and sprinkling by his blood.”
True Christians are predestined by God the Father to be a holy and distinctive people to Himself, to glorify Him here on earth so that He can praise them in paradise. And this election is manifested in the Spirit’s sanctification.
True believers are sanctified, set apart from the world for God’s use and service. “Holiness unto the Lord.” is the motto of this seal, which God has sealed for Himself. 2 Timothy 2:21 describes them in this way. “If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master, and prepared to do any good work.” That which pollutes and dishonors them is cleansed; they are honorable vessels, like silver and gold vessels in a grand mansion, set with pearls and precious stones. They are decked with sanctifying gifts worth more than the most expensive diamonds, making them both lovely in God’s eyes and suited for God’s use, enabling them to do all good works.
1 Thessalonians 5:23, “And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly: and I pray God your whole spirit, and soul and body, be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” True Christians are sanctified in their whole man, if not completely. They are sanctified in every way, but not to the highest degree. Their whole spirit is sanctified, including their higher capabilities of thinking and will. The Spirit enlightens their understandings to a spiritual discernment of good and evil that no natural man can accomplish. Their wills are bowed, or rather straightened, to God and His law. So their love, desire, delight, and hope are towards God, Christ, and things above. Their hatred, dread, anguish, and anger are directed towards sin. Their bodies are likewise sanctified, becoming members of Christ and instruments of righteousness, with all parts consecrated to God and used for His glory.
So true Christians are sanctified by the Spirit—to obedience. The Spirit’s work in their hearts shows in their lives; their lives are a course of obedience to Christ’s rules. They are sanctified to obedience and to the sprinkling of Jesus’ blood. God has chosen them to be sprinkled with the sin-forgiving blood of the immaculate Lamb. Such are sincere Christians who adore Christ unseen.
#2 The Object Of Christians Love Is Jesus Christ
Secondly, the OBJECT of a true Christian’s love, namely, Jesus Christ. These people adore Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, the second Person in the beautiful Trinity, who took on our human nature, clothed Himself in our mortal body, lived as a servant in poverty, and died as a criminal on the cross—all for our sakes, for our sins In the Father’s home, He sat at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty on high, to make intercession for us, and to prepare for our reception into the beautiful mansions and eternal habitations!
Jesus means “to save,” in Hebrew, and He saves His people from their sins (Matthew 1:21). He was anointed by the Father with the Spirit and power to be the great Prophet, Priest, and King of the Church. The Apostles, who were His family, and other disciples who frequently conversed with Him beheld Christ with the eye of sense—but in His state of humiliation while on earth, not in His position of exaltation. While some have seen Christ after His ascension, such as Paul at his conversion and Stephen, the first martyr, before his death, none have had perfect bodily sight of the glory that is upon Christ’s body, a luster so great that none can behold it in this state of weakness and imperfection and live. But whatever glimpse some Christians formerly had of Christ’s person, they no longer have. They had heard about Him, but not seen Him. They’ve seen Christ in the Sacrament but never seen Him. They have seen His likeness in their fellow Christians, but not the original.
There are some Christians who have visited Judea, Jerusalem, and Mount Zion, where the Lord ascended, but no Christians alive today have seen Jerusalem and Mount Zion, where the Lord currently resides in His splendor! This Jesus Christ—whom Christians have not seen—is the Love Object.
#3 The Nature Of Christians Love For Christ
Regarding sincere Christians’ devotion for this unseen Christ. Their hearts go forth towards Him in earnest desires for union with Him, and communion with Him; and the love which true Christians bear to Jesus Christ is a grace wrought by the Spirit in their hearts. This is accompanied by surrendering to His will and service.
(1) The love of Christians unto Christ, is a grace wrought in their hearts by the Spirit. The Holy Spirit plants it in the soul. Love to Christ is a heavenly spark from above, a fire sparked by the Lord’s breath, whose essence is love.
(2) The ground of this love to Christ is the discovery and believing apprehensions of Christ’s loveliness and love. That Christ is infinitely lovely, supremely excellent, and His love for His people is matchless and transcendent, that He is the storehouse of all graces and the most needful and rich supplies, must first be believed, or else there will be apathy and disinterest.
(3) The actings of Christians’ love to Christ is in their desires after union unto, and communion with Christ. In love, one wishes oneness with the beloved, especially with Christ; and once this union is achieved, one desires communion with Christ, dialogue, and friendship with Him. No conversation is more desired than that with people we most adore, and this communion is the greatest joy. The soul rests and rejoices in Christ’s presence and love.
(4) The concomitant of this love which true Christians have unto Christ—is a yielding and dedication of themselves unto His will and service. Lover offers themselves to their loved ones. Those who love Christ are married and joined to Him, and they devote themselves entirely to His disposal, just as the wife does for her husband.
#4 Christians Love Christ Whom They Have Seen By Faith
To illustrate that all sincere Christians love this unseen Christ. A true Christian’s love for Jesus Christ sets them apart from all other Christians and non-Christians. Covetous persons lust after worldly money and riches. Ambitious folks love worldly honor and dignity. Voluptuous people love physical pleasures and delights, whereas sincere Christians love Jesus Christ, whom they have never seen. Only true Christians adore Christ, and all true Christians love Him. Christ’s beauty is seen by faith, not sense. Unloved by those who do not see Him with this eye, loved by those who do.
Those who do not love Christ are blind, not because Christ is ugly. Now only true Christians have this eye of faith to distinguish Christ’s excellencies. Faith is the core of Christianity; reason makes us men, but faith makes us Christians. True Christians have the right to believe and to love this unseen Christ.
#5 It Is Christians Duty To Love Christ And He Looks For It
This will appear if you look into John 21:15-17. Peter was one of the boldest and most forward of all Christ’s disciples—but he had been too self-confident, which was the introduction unto, and laid the foundation for—his fall and thrice shameful denial of his Master. A look from his Lord put him in remembrance and brought him to repentance with bitter weeping for his sin, as soon as it was committed. After our Savior rose from the dead, He appeared unto Peter, with other of His disciples, and in this place asked the same question in the same words three times, “Simon, son of John, do you love Me?” whereby, as He tacitly chastises him for his great sin in his three-times denial of Him (which, had there not been a defect in his love, he would never have done), so He also gives a signification that loves to Himself is a great duty and the great thing which He looks for, in all His disciples.
#6 How Christians Ought To Love Christ
(1) Christians ought to love Christ with SINCERITY of love. Ephesians 6:24, “Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity.” Judah’s great fault (Jeremiah 3:10) was that she turned to the Lord half-heartedly. So loving Christ insincerely and hypocritically is a grave sin. Christians’ love for Christ should be genuine in both behavior and internal workings. They must love Him in deed and truth, not only in word and show. And Christians’ love for Christ must be genuine; they must love Christ for Himself, not only for what He gives them. Love for material riches is hypocritical; love for Christ’s excellencies and perfections is real and kind. Everyone’s job is to love Christ sincerely.
(2) Christians should love Christ with SUPREMACY. They must exalt Him in their hearts. He seeks the throne, and all creatures should submit to Him and bow at His footstool, Matthew 10:37. To love father or mother more than I does not merit Me. These are our Savior’s words. God and nature demand Christians to love their parents. They may love their spouses, but the Bible commands husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the church. They may love their sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, cousins, friends, and even enemies. But with a submissive love. They must love Christ with all their hearts or they are not worthy to be called disciples.
(3) Christians should love Christ with ARDENCY. Luke 24:32 “Did not our hearts burn within us, while He talked with us by the way, and while He opened to us the Scriptures!” This burning love Christ instilled in His disciples, and which Christ demands of all Christians, 8:6-7 “For ardent love is as strong as death. Love is not extinguished by rivers or mighty waters.” No deluge of temptations or persecutions can ever quench or overcome Christians’ love for Jesus Christ! Therefore:
(4) Christians should love Christ CONSTANTLY. They should love Him until the end, having begun to love Him. Just as they should be consistent in their obedience and persevere in their other graces, so they should be in this grace of love to Christ.
#7 Why Do Christians Love Christ
Christians Love Christ Because They Need Him
Men love their necessary food, clothing, and shelter, without which their bodies would freeze in the winter. Men adore their indispensable pals, on whom they rely (under God) and who provide all their needs. But nothing is as essential to the body—as Jesus Christ is to the soul. Similarly, the needs of the soul outnumber the needs of the body, and only Jesus Christ can meet these needs, which is why sincere Christians love Him.
When they were initially convicted of sin and awoke from their carnal security, they had no need of Christ! They felt lost and that only Christ could save them! They had conscience scars that only Christ could heal! They feared the vengeance of a vengeful God, and only Christ could save them! The remission, reconciliation, and redemption they received from Christ set the basis of a deep love for Him; and they still feel a daily need for Him to procure pardon for them and to supply them with grace.
Those in need of Christ are those who are blind, dead, straitened, weak, sad, tempted, fallen, in doubt, fearful, and staggered. Only Christ can do all of this and more for them. True Christians love Christ because He is needed and valuable.
Christians Love Christ Because Of Christ’s Loveliness
Christians love an unseen Christ because of Christ’s loveliness, which is visible to the eye of faith even if it is not seen. See how His spouse, the Church, describes Christ the Beloved. 5:9 The Jerusalem daughters ask the love-sick hubby, “What distinguishes the one you love from other stunning women? What sets him apart?” “My beloved is dark and dazzling, better than ten thousand others!” says the spouse in verse 10. After describing His graces, glories, and great achievements in the 11th-14th verses, she finishes in the 16th verse: “No! He’s a cutie. My darling and my pal!”
Her beloved, who had a more penetrating eye, both commends and admires her loveliness, chapter 6:4-5, “My lover, you are as lovely as Tirzah. As lovely as Jerusalem! Your eyes overwhelm me!” A glorious army with banners, verse 10: “Who is this arising like the dawn, as fair as the moon, as bright as the sun, as majestic as an army with banners?”
But what is the Beloved’s beauty? How much more beautiful is Jesus Christ, from whom the Church receives all its beauty? His appearance is considered to be as Lebanon, and as its tall cedars, displaying His beauty and majesty. His mouth is reputed to be quite sweet, and the courteous words that come from it are really delicious. No doctrine, no precept, no promise is sweeter than Christ’s doctrine, precepts, and promises. In a nutshell, He is described as “altogether lovely!”
There is no such thing as “altogether lovely.” person or thing. People and things can have flaws, but Christ is “altogether lovely!” He is without flaw, defect, or imperfection. And He is gorgeous in every way; Christ’s person has an unmatched and ultimate amiability. In Christ, the human and divine natures merge. He is attractive in both respects. His human nature consists of body and soul.
His body is adorned with gorgeous beauty and brilliance. Whatever it was in His humiliation, it is certain to be wonderful in His exaltation. Philippians 3:21 calls it a lovely body If Moses’ face glowed brightly after forty days of prayer with God on Mount Sinai, how does Christ’s body shine after almost 1700 years on Mount Zion? I believe Christ’s body is the most beautiful of all visible beings, but Christ’s soul surpasses it. No creature has the sparkling excellencies of Christ’s soul. All creature excellencies are like a feather in the balance of His majestic excellencies and perfections!
When Christ was on earth, He had more spiritual gifts than any other man ever lived. He surpassed Moses in gentleness, Solomon in insight, and Job in patience. He surpasses not just the perfected spirits of righteous men, but also the most splendid and holy angels. Wisdom is a ray; Christ is the sun! Their goodness is a drop in Christ’s ocean! Their holiness is a sliver or a shadow of Christ’s splendor! They have the Spirit, but only in part; Christ receives the Spirit in full! John 3:34
Christ is beautiful in His manhood, so close to His Godhead, and beautiful in His Godhead! He shares the Father’s glory as God. Christ’s Godhead implies superior being; He says “I am,” John 8:28; “Lord of glory,” I Corinthians 2:8; and “King of glory,” Ps 24:7 The King of Glory will come in when you lift your heads, O gates, and everlasting doors. The angels and saints clearing the way for Christ’s triumphant entry and ownership of His heavenly house is how some understand this. The New Testament describes this magnificent person in many ways “He is the visible God’s image, the firstborn of all creation. For he created all things: thrones, powers, rulers, and authority, seen and invisible, in heaven and on earth. He is the foundation of all things. The church is his body; he is the beginning and firstborn from the dead, thus he has supremacy in everything. God was glad to have all of himself in him.” According to this beautiful depiction of Christ, he is excellent and amiable—and no lover is like the beloved of faithful Christians. So sincere Christians love Christ for His beauty.
Christians Love Christ Because He Loves Them
Christians love Christ because He loves them. He loves them as a child would adore them. He loves them tenderly and compassionately, actively or acting, passively or suffering. His love is limitless. His love is unparalleled. His love is transcendent. His love is unchangeable. His love is eternal. He loved them when they were soiled by sin and clothed them in His righteousness. He is their Comforter in sickness and grief; He is their Benefactor in need and distress. “May you experience the love of Christ, though it is so great you will never fully understand!” 3:19
True Christians should love Christ for His loveliness, but also for His love, especially when both are matchless and incomprehensibleThis article is edited from “The True Christian’s Love to the Unseen Christ” by Thomas Vincent. Check our collection of articles on this topic in the related posts, alternatively, you can get a copy of the book from Amazon.